Wednesday, 29 February 2012

WORST Connection in world - Reliance Datacard

I used this for almost 3 months... I have had never seen such a **** connection ever in my life.
I used to get the speed of 5-7kbps, but they claim avg speed of 300-400Kbps, lets not talk about 3.1Mbps
which they talk about.
Its full waste of money, and more-ever of time.
I registered several complaints, and requested for call back from senior management, but no one bothered to call me.
God please help the user of Reliance Data card!

1 comment:

  1. The telecom operators have also brought various reliance datacard plans in india that help subscribers to avail maximum Internet benefits. After analyzing the need and demand of 3G in India, these operators have also introduced best and affordable 3G data card plans.
